Finn Martin
I met Finn, the extraordinary, while I was a jury member for the online music portal C-Tube. Weekly I judged bands and solo artists, offering them solid advice and sometimes technical direction. Finn was C-Tube’s marketing man…but not just a marketing man, one with a real voice. This dude can sing! He invited me to hear him perform and I was blown away.
Finn possesses one of the best male voices I have heard in a long time, and my goal was to give him the security he needed to offer his listener what I called “Steven Tyler” high notes. I wanted him to experience that masculine sound of his, down to his toes. I wanted him to take himself and his audience to the edge—but without costing himself vocally. What happened he calls “remarkable.” I call it destiny. With the control and the vision for the music that he has learned, he transforms himself every time he takes the stage and I can’t wait for the world to hear him.
Finn has the tenacity of a bull. He never gives up. Scorpio, he knows what stick-to-itiveness is all about. So far it has paid off in his recent signing to EMI, and I am looking forward to a long and fruitful collaboration at the highest artistic level.